Gain hands-on teaching experience in elementary and middle school classrooms across the State of Alaska as you learn about real-world topics from APU faculty.
Develop a supportive cohort of students, alumni, and educators in Alaska with whom you will collaborate regarding topics such as classroom environment, curriculum, place-based education and teaching through culture.
Complete a self-designed capstone project in which you will research and explore the education-related topics of your choosing.
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Degree Fit
The Teacher Education K-8 Certificate emphasizes the practical coursework that educational administrators value most, while ensuring you have the opportunity to develop your own educational passions. This 33-credit track is designed for future teachers who have earned a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution. Approved nationally and by the Alaska Department of Education, the Teacher Education K-8 Certificate at APU develops highly qualified teachers based on Alaska requirements. Our graduates compete successfully for classroom placement in Anchorage, statewide and beyond. Once licensed in Alaska, teachers may apply for licensure reciprocity in 46 other states based on the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement.
Educators interested in learning more about resources available for developing curriculum using place-based research, with an emphasis in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM), use the ‘guest log on’ and visit the PREPARES website.
Preparing Responsive Educators using Place-based Authentic Research in Earth Systems is a grant funded by the National Science Foundation and hosted by APU.
Career Outcomes
- Successful attainment of Alaska licensure
- K-6 Elementary and 6-8 Middle School teacher job placement
- Continue on to Master’s degree programs
Degree Roadmap
Educational Foundations & Classroom Environment
Examines historical theories and practices about education, focusing also on current trends and school policies.
Early Literacy
Evaluates how early learning theory and practice provide a framework in which children become successful readers and writers.
Partnerships & Stakeholder Accountability
Discusses how the home, community, and society are interconnected with teaching and learning within educational institutions.
MSOEE plus Certificate.
You love the outdoors. You love teaching. You will love this.

Students pursuing a master’s degree in Environmental and Outdoor Education (MSOEE) have the option to pursue a Teacher Education K-8 Certificate at APU. Students will dual-enroll in the Master of Science in Outdoor and Environmental Education (MSOEE) and the Teacher Education K-8 Certificate, enabling them to obtain both the MSOEE and teacher certification in Alaska that will give you thorough preparation for teaching in public and charter schools with an emphasis in environmental and outdoor education. Your first year of the program will be spent taking classes primarily at APU’s 900 acre Kellogg Campus in Palmer, Alaska. The second year is spent at APU’s Anchorage campus preparing for and completing your student teaching.
This degree option gives you the flexibility to choose from a variety of careers, including positions in public, private or charter schools, interpretive and education specialist jobs in land management agencies and positions in non-governmental organizations and businesses such as conservation organizations and camps.
Student Profiles

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Institute & Program Area
APU’s Institute of Culture & Environment promotes the advancement of knowledge, understanding, and reasoning in Liberal Studies, Marine and Environmental Sciences, and Outdoor Studies. Honoring Alaska’s cultural and geographic diversity, the Institute prepares students to address and engage our region’s complex and unique challenges.
Moving ideas! When you want to combine creative thinking with practical skills, choose any of the Liberal Studies programs and put your talent to work. Whether your outlet is in music, poetry or media and communications– whether you aim to improve the planet or enhance well-being one person at a time – our programs provide meaningful pathways to meet your goals.