B.A. Alternative tourism M.S. in Outdoor & Environmental Education Jimel López Montoya is the program specialist at Kellogg FIELD School and also a seasonal instructor and program supervisor for NOLS….
Kellogg Campus
Analouise Hoseth
A.A. Direct Transfer Agreement – Clark College, Vancouver, Washington I was born and raised in rural Alaska in the region of Bristol Bay, I am a member of the Curyung Tribe. I began…
Leah Corbin
Alexandra Wilson
M.S. Outdoor and Environmental Education, Alaska Pacific University B.A. English Literature; Minor Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison I have been a part of Alaska Pacific University’s Kellogg Campus for many…
Kelly Marciales
M.A. Theology and Mission, Fuller Theological Seminary B.A. English Education, California State Polytechnic University Throughout my career, I have had the awesome privilege of journeying with communities to identify their…
Shannon O’Laughlin
Shannon O’Laughlin earned a BA in Liberal Studies, Multiple Subject Teaching Credential, and Preliminary Administrative Services Credential all from California State University, Chico. She got her Master’s of Arts in…