First things first: Students should apply to all programs for the coming year by February 15 to allow time for academic and financial planning.
Once you have selected a program…
1) Meet with your academic advisor to ensure that courses will either meet requirements or count as the electives you desire. Select more courses than you plan to take just in case there are scheduling problems upon arrival.
2) Meet with the registrar to ensure a smooth transfer of your courses and to enroll in the APU Placeholder Course for the term/s you will be away.
3) Meet with Financial Aid to ensure that your scholarships and any aid are sufficient. You may be eligible to apply for additional aid based on the cost of your program.
4) Apply for your program of choice by February 15!
5) If you are applying to an international program, apply for your passport. Inquire about a student visa you might need for an extended stay, and how to apply for that. Be aware that you may have to travel to a regional consulate in another state to obtain a visa; this cost can also be calculated into your financial aid needs.
6) Secure housing. All programs will have a study away coordinator or office that can provide housing options. Some options may require an advance down payment. Determine your choices for housing and meal options as early as possible.
7) Research flight and travel options. This expense can be factored into your financial aid needs.
8) Be aware of dates at the host university like arrival, move-in, or orientation.