Alaska Pacific University anticipates receiving federal CARES Act funds to provide emergency financial assistance to qualifying students. This grant money does not need to be paid back.
You should apply for a grant IF you incurred unanticipated “expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus (including eligible expenses under a student’s cost of attendance such as food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, and child care).”
This means that if you have had added or unmet expenses since March 12 because of the changes APU made in response to coronavirus, you should apply.
Example 1: You changed your flight home and it was $300 more expensive
Example 2: You had to add or increase your internet service (set up fees, monthly fee)
Example 3: Your housing costs more than your on-campus room (above and beyond a room and board refund from APU)
APU will review all applications. There are no guarantees that you will be given a grant or your request will be fully funded.
How to Apply
To apply, meet the eligibility requirements below and submit a complete application with supporting documents to by April 24, 2020. Requests received after April 24, 2020 will be considered if funds are available. If you need to, you can submit more than one application.
- Applicant must be a full or part-time APU student as of Spring 2020 and
- Enrolled in at least one campus-based course or course with an on-campus intensive
Terms and Conditions
- Awards are contingent on receipt of funds from the CARES Act.
- Complete the attached application and provide supporting documentation of the expenses for which you are applying for reimbursement. Submit completed application and supporting documentation.
- Supporting documentation examples include, but are not limited to, scans or pictures of receipts and credit card or bank statements with related expenses highlighted.
- If an individual other than the student applicant covered the expense, the student applicant’s name should be clearly written on the supporting documentation.
- Questions about appropriate documentation should be sent to
To verify the address(s) you have on file with APU go to your student web portal (myAPU > student web portal > my address).
To update your address(s) send an email from your APU student email account to with your updated address.
Award of Funds
Funds will be awarded by check to the student applicant only. Please note that we may not be able to fund each request fully, but we encourage students to apply for all eligible expenses so that we can provide as much financial assistance as possible.