Recent Publications
FAST Lab authors in bold; students marked with an *asterisk.
Fish, T*., Wolf, N., Smeltz, T.S., Harris, B.P., Planas, J.V. 2022. Reproductive biology of female Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) in the Gulf of Alaska. Frontiers in Marine Science. 9:801759.
Murphy, R. Jr., Yochum, N., Wolf, N., Kroska, A.C., Harris, B.P. 2022. Barriers to achieving conservation engineering goals in commercial trawl fisheries. Frontiers in Marine Science. 9:800176.
Murphy, R. Jr., Downs, M., Wolf, N., Harris, B.P. 2022. Guiding principles for integrating stakeholder-based data into marine fisheries decision-making with a focus on USA fisheries management. Fish and Fisheries. Doi:10.1111/faf.12656.
Batter, V.*, Smeltz, T.S., Wolf, N., Rosenkranz, G.E., Siddon, C., Harris, B.P. 2021. An optical assessment of weathervane scallop density and abundance off Kodiak Island, AK. Journal of Shellfish Research.
Dial, R., Chausse, P., Allgeier, M., Smeltz, T.S., Golden, T., Day, T., Wong, R., Andersen, H.E. 2021. Estimating net primary productivity (NPP) and debris-fall in forest using LIDAR time series. Remote Sensing, 13(5), p. 891.
Kroska, A.C.*, Wolf, N., Planas, J.V., Baker, M.R., Smeltz, T.S., Harris, B.P. 2021. Controlled experiments to explore the use of a multi-tissue approach to characterizing stress in wild-caught Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis). Conservation Physiology.
Lescher, C.*, Yochum, N, Harris, B.P., Wolf, N., Gauvin, J. 2021. Selecting species specific vitality metrics to predict red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus) discard survival. Fisheries Research, 240(s): 105964.
Loher,T. Dykstra, C.L., Hicks, A.C., Stewart, I.J., Wolf, N., Harris, B.P., Planas, J.V. 2021. Estimation of postrelease longline mortality in Pacific halibut using acceleration-logging tags. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 42:1:37-49.
Murphy, R.D., Hagan, J.A.*, Harris, B.P., Sethi, S.A., Smeltz, T.S., Restrepo, F. 2021. Can Landsat thermal imagery and environmental data accurately estimate water temperatures in small streams? Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management.
Murphy Jr. R, Estabrooks, A., Gauvin J., Gray S., Kroska A., Wolf N., & Harris B.P. 2021. Using mental models to quantify linear and non-linear relationships in complex fishery systems? Marine Policy. In Press
Sethi, S.A., Ashline, J.*, Harris, B.P., Gerken, J., Restrepo, F. 2021. Connectivity between lentic and lotic freshwater habitats identified as a conservation priority for coho salmon. Aquatic Conservation Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems.
Vidal, M., Wolf, N., Rosenberg, B.*, Harris, B.P., Mathis, A. 2021. Perspectives on individual animal identification from biology and computer vision. Integrative and Comparative Biology.
Aminpour, P., Gray, S., Singer, A., Scyphers, S., Jetter, A., Jordan, R., Murphy Jr., R., Grabowski, J. 2020. The diversity bonus in pooling local knowledge about complex problems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 118(5) e2016887118.
Christie, A., … Harris, B.P., et al. 2020. Quantifying and addressing the prevalence and bias of study designs in the environmental and social sciences. Nature Communications.
Fish, T.*, Wolf, N., Harris, B.P., Planas, J.V. 2020. A comprehensive description of ovarian follicle developmental stages in Pacific halibut, Hippoglossus stenolepis. Journal of Fish Biology.
Fitzgerald, T., Higgins, P., Quilligan, E., Sethi, S.A., Tobin, J. 2020. Catalyzing fisheries conservation investments. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.
Moriarty M., Sethi S.A., Pedreschi D., Smeltz T.S., McGonigle C., Harris B.P., Wolf N., Greenstreet S.P.R. Combining fisheries surveys to inform marine species distribution modelling. ICES Journal of Marine Science 77:539-552.
Murphy Jr., R., Cunningham, C., Harris, B.P., Brown, C. 2020. Qualitative and quantitative fisher perceptions to complement natural science data for managing fisheries. Fisheries.
Murphy Jr., R., Harris, B., Estabrooks, A., & Wolf, N. 2020. Capturing stakeholder perspectives through a collaboration with a commercial fishing cooperative. Marine Policy, 117, 103948.
Oke, K.B., Cunningham, C. J., Westley, P.A.H., Baskett, M.L. …(and 13 more), 2020. Recent declines in salmon body size impact ecosystems and fisheries. Nature Communications, 11:4155.
Wolf, N., Smeltz, T.S., Welker, J.M., Rogers, M.C., Ely, C. 2020. Exploring overlap of feather molting and migration in tundra swans using 2H analysis. Animal Migration, 7:58-66.
Wolf, N., Webster, S. R., Welker, J. M., Harris, B. P. In Press. Assessing the Relationship between Diet and Size-At-Age in Pacific Halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) using d13C and d15N Analysis. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
Fitzgerald, T., Higgins, P., Quilligan, E., Sethi, S. A., Tobin, J. In Press. Catalyzing fisheries conservation investments. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.
Oke, K. B., Cunningham, C. J., Quinn, T. P., and Hendry, A. P. 2019. Independent lineages in a common environment: the roles of determinism and contingency in shaping the migration timing of even- versus odd-year pink salmon over broad spatial and temporal scales. Ecology Letters. DOI:10.1111/ele.13337
Murphy Jr., R., Scyphers, S., Gray, S., Grabowski, J. H. 2019. Angler attitudes explain disparate behavioral reactions to fishery regulations. Fisheries.
Kroska, A.C., Wolf, N., Dial, R., Harris, B.P. 2019. Exploring sample cross-contamination in fish epidermal mucus. Journal of Fish Biology.
Sethi R.A., Mayadev J., Sethi S.A., Rash D., Chen L.-M., Brooks R., Ueda S., Hsu C. March 2019. Patterns of recurrence in node positive cervical cancer patients treated with contemporary chemoradiation and dose escalation: a multi-institutional study. Gynecologic Oncology 9(2). DOI: 10.1016/j.prro.2018.08.012
Smeltz, T.S., Harris, B.P., Olson, J., and Sethi, S.A. 2019. A seascape scale habitat model to support management of fishing impacts on benthic ecosystems. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
Wolf, N., Harris, B., Richard, N., Sethi, S. A., Lomac-MacNair, K., and Parker, L. 2018. High‐frequency aerial surveys inform the seasonal distribution of Cook Inlet beluga whales. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 10.1002/wsb.922.
Calvert, J., McGonigle, C., Sethi, S.A., Harris, B.P., Quinn, R., and Grabowski, J. Sept 2018. Dynamic occupancy modelling of temperate marine fish in area-based closures. Ecology and Evolution.
Harris, B.P., Adams, C.F. and Stokesbury K.D.E. 2018. Sea scallops exhibit strong local spatiotemporal structure associated with seabed stability and high flows. Ecosphere. DOI:10.1002/ecs2.2133
Harris, B.P., Webster, S.R., Wolf, N., Gregg, J.L., Hershberger, P.K. 2018. Ichthyophonus in sport-caught groundfishes from southcentral Alaska. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 128(2). DOI:10.3354/dao03218
Pendleton R.M., Standley C.R., Higgs A.L., Kenney G.H., Sullivan P.J., Sethi S.A., and Harris B.P. 2018. Acoustic telemetry and benthic habitat mapping informs the spatial ecology of Shortnose Sturgeon in the Hudson River, NY, USA. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.
Sethi S.A., Bradley C., Harris F. June 2018. Capture versus tagging impacts on chum salmon freshwater spawning migration travel times. Fisheries Management and Ecology.
*Neises V., Cornick L., Harris B.P., Zeligs J. 2017. Examining the Metabolic Cost of Otariid Foraging Under Varying Conditions. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 486: 352–357.
Newsome S.D., Wolf N., Bradley C.J., Fogel M.L. 2017. Assimilation and isotopic discrimination of hydrogen in tilapia: implications for studying animal diet with d2H. Ecosphere 8: 1-18.
Sethi S.A., Carey M.P., Morton J., Guerron-Orejuela E., Decino R., Willette M., Boersma J., Jablonski J., Anderson C. 2017. Rapid response for invasive waterweeds at the arctic invasion front: assessment of collateral impacts from herbicide treatments. Biological Conservation 212: 300-309.
Sethi S.A., Gerken J., *Ashline J. 2017. Accurate aging of juvenile salmonids using fork lengths. Fisheries Research 185:161-168.
Sethi S.A., O’Hanley J.R., Gerken J., Ashline J., Bradley C. 2017. High value of ecological information for river connectivity restoration. Landscape Ecology 32: 2327-2336.
*Stanek A.E., Wolf N., Hildebrand G.V., Mangipane B., Causey D., Welker J.M. 2017. Seasonal foraging strategies of Alaskan gray wolves (Canis lupus) in an ecosystem subsidized by Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.). Canadian Journal of Zoology.
Rinas, C. L., Dial, R. J., Sullivan, P. F., Smeltz, T. S., Tobin, S. C., Loso, M., and Geck, J. E. 2017. Thermal segregation drives patterns of alder and willow expansion in a montane ecosystem subject to climate warming. Journal of Ecology, 105(4), 935-946.
Carey M., Sethi S.A., *Larsen S., Rich C. 2016. A primer on potential impacts, management priorities, and future directions for Elodea spp. in high latitude systems: learning from the Alaskan experience. Hydrobiologia 777:1-19.
Micheli F., Heiman K.W., Kappel C.V., Martone R.L., Sethi S.A., Osio G.C., Fraschetti S., Shelton A.O., Tanner J.M. 2016. Combined impacts of natural and human disturbances on rocky shore communities. Ocean and Coastal Management 126:42-50.
*Nimick A.M., Harris B.P. 2016. Essential Fish Habitat Regulation in the United States: Lessons for High Latitudes? The Yearbook of Polar Law 8: 266-278.
Sethi S.A., Bradley C. 2016. Statistical arrival models to estimate missed passage counts at fish weirs. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 73: 1251-1260.
Sethi S.A., Linden D., Wenburg J., Lewis C., Lemons P., Fuller A., Hare M. 2016. Accurate recapture identification for genetic mark–recapture studies with error-tolerant likelihood-based match calling and sample clustering. Royal Society Open Science 3: 160457.
*Verna D., Harris B.P. 2016. Review of United States ballast water management policy and associated implications for Alaska. Marine Policy 70: 13-21.
*Verna D.E., Harris B.P., Holzer K.K., Minton M.S. 2016. Ballast-borne marine invasive species: exploring the risk to coastal Alaska, USA. Management of Biological Invasions 7(2): 199–211.
Walsh P., Sethi S.A., Lake B., Mangipane B., Nielson R., Lowe S. 2016. Estimating denning date of wolves with daily movement and GPS location fix failure. Wildlife Society Bulletin 40: 663-668.