APU Response
What is APU doing to minimize the risk of infection to students, faculty and staff?
In addition to moving most classes to distance delivery, we have added hand sanitizer dispensers to all classrooms and common areas, purchased face masks, face shields, and sanitizing wipes for all employees, revised classroom setups to ensure social distancing, and removed all unnecessary touchable objects. We are installing plexiglass barriers in key areas. Buildings will remain locked to the public. Meetings will need to be invite-only and visitors to campus must be escorted to their destination. There will be attendance sheets for all in-person classes and sign-in sheets for visitors to ensure contract tracing. Buildings will be disinfected using Hypochlorous Acid (approved by the CDC) to supplement APU's janitorial cleaning services.
What about events and large gatherings?
Conferencing events and other group meetings will be permitted with limited capacity based on Municipality and CDC guidelines for group sizes. Events and meetings will be required to submit a risk mitigation and cleaning plan. Conference partners are required to maintain attendance sheets, open doors, and direct their own attendees.
I am concerned about getting COVID-19 through recirculating air at APU. How will APU address this? Will there be air filters for the offices with multiple staff working in them?
APU has consulted with public health engineers who have advised that no changes to the HVAC system are necessary. The airflow supply of the buildings on campus are designed to draw outside air into the buildings, which is a recommendation of the CDC. In July 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) released a non-peer-reviewed scientific brief that discussed the possibility that COVID-19 may be spread through airborne transmission. However, the WHO acknowledges that rather than airborne transmission, infectious transmission is more likely to be explained by other droplet or fomite transmission methods. A summary of the WHO’s scientific brief that discusses the possibility of airborne transmission can be found here.
Will there be masks available for guests/visitors who do not bring one with them?
Yes, there will be disposable masks available for guest/visitors. N95 masks are not provided. All guests/visitors should be reminded prior to coming to campus to bring their own mask.
Will classes be offered on campus during the spring semester?
The Campus Reopening Plan is a dynamic, changing document. We will assess our operations throughout the fall and we aim to announce spring semester plans in November.
Disability Support Services
No. The Accommodation Request Process is the same. However, some meetings are taking place via phone or Zoom. If you have any questions, please contact the DSS coordinator at kamartin@alaskapacific.edu. Students may need modified ways to participate (i.e. voice only, limited or no video) depending on their disability. If you have any questions or specific concerns, please contact the DSS Coordinator at kamartin@alaskapacific.edu. Yes. Students approved for accommodations through DSS receive those accommodations regardless of the delivery method of their courses. However, specific accommodations may not transition equitably to a distance delivery format. Students with disabilities who are experiencing barriers while accessing course or program content should contact the DSS coordinator at kamartin@alaskapacific.edu. Yes. We understand that some students with disabilities may have previously elected not to register their disability with DSS and may wish to do so at this time. If this applies to you, please contact the DSS coordinator at kamartin@alaskapacific.edu.
Has the process for requesting accommodations changed?
I'm unable to partipate in class and meetings via Zoom or Blackboard due to my disability. What should I do?
Do approved accommodations through the DSS office apply to distance delivery courses?
I don't have accommodations for in-person courses, but I may need them for distance delivery courses. Can I register with DSS if I haven't already?
Employment and Financial Aid
Will student employment still be available on-campus?
Yes, there will be student employment opportunities on campus. Some positions and work duties will be adjusted to account for COVID-19 precautions. Returning students, please check in with your supervisor to determine possible impacts.
Will my financial aid be affected?
The revised Reopening Campus Plan and the move to remote learning should not affect your financial aid. However, you or your family may have had a change in financial circumstances that would merit a review of your financial aid package. Please contact Student Financial Services for more information.
Will Moseley Sports Center and Atwood Gym stay open?
The Moseley Sports Center and the Atwood Gym will reopen, with revised scheduling and procedures for students and employees only. Public access to the gyms will not occur at this time, unless prior reservations have been made.
Will the library still be available for use by APU students?
The UAA/APU library remains open on reduced hours. Please visit: https://consortiumlibrary.org for the latest updates. Many library resources are available online with you student log-in information. At this time, you need your APU ID to enter the building.
Can students rent laptops and other equipment for online learning?
APU has a limited number of short-term loan computers, but there is no longer-term rental program. Computers and printers are available on campus and at the library for student use. Current students impacted by the move to distance delivery courses in the spring and summer may apply for CARES Act funding to help cover costs associated with COVID-19. Learn more.
Can I still live on campus?
Yes. APU Campus Life will offer on-campus housing, but in a limited capacity. If you are interested in applying for on-campus housing, please apply through the following link.
I'm signed up to live on campus? Can I cancel my contract?
If you would like to cancel your housing contract for Fall 2020, please contact the Campus Life Office to make arrangements.
Individual Expectations
What are the symptoms of COVID-19?
People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. The most recent symptoms are available here. (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/faq.html#Symptoms-&-Emergency-Warning-Signs)
What precautions can I take to stay healthy and prevent the spread of infections?
APU requires face coverings and social distancing in all our buildings. Additional ways to protect yourself and others can be found on the CDC website at: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/prevention.html
Avoid close contact with others.
Wear a face mask when indoors, unless alone in your office or room/suite, and outdoors when unable to social distance six feet.
Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If water is not available, use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
Avoid contact with people who are sick.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily.
If you have cold or cough symptoms, cover your mouth/nose with a tissue or sleeve when coughing or sneezing. Immediately throw the tissue in the garbage.
Monitor your health for symptoms. (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/prevention.html)
Where can I go to get the latest APU information about coronavirus?
Visit alaskapacific.edu/coronavirus for the latest information.
Will we have to wear masks while on campus?
Yes, everyone will be required to wear masks or face shields on campus but not in their own residence hall room, apartment, or suite. This masking requirement applies to all classes happening on campus. There may be limited mask-wearing required in the Moseley Sports Center and the Atwood Weight Room depending on the activity. You must also wear masks outdoors on campus if you are with other people and not at least 6 feet away from them.
What if my question isn't listed here?
Send any additional questions to askAPU@alaskapacific.edu and they may be considered for posting in this section. We will try our best to respond to your question in a timely manner.
Is it safe to come to campus?
APU asks all students and employees to self-monitor daily before coming to work. APU requires students and employees to stay home when not feeling well and to follow return-to-campus protocols of being symptom- and fever-free for at least 72 hours without fever-reducing medication before returning to work.
What is self-monitoring?
Self-monitoring means to assess your physical health, checking temperature, and ensuring that you have no known COVID-19 symptoms before leaving your home or residence room. If you feel ill or are exhibiting symptoms, then please consult with identified resources to make accomodations for missed classes or work. Do not come to campus.
What should I do if I am ill or have been diagnosed with COVID-19?
If you are ill, APU requests that you stay home and self-isolate and/or get tested for COVID-19. If you receive a positive test, APU requests you notify the Dean of Students by emailing dos@alaskapacific.edu. Additional steps can be found at: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/if-you-are-sick/steps-when-sick.html
Where can I get tested for COVID-19?
In Anchorage, students can be tested for free at ANTHC. Prior to arrival, please check with your healthcare provider or local public health department. Students arriving from out of state should follow the State of Alaska interstate and international travel health mandates. Testing for travelers is available at the Ted Stevens International Airport. For additional locations, the State of Alaska DHSS has an interactive Testing Site Locator webpage found here.
What will APU’s response be should someone test positive for COVID-19?
Individuals who know or suspect they have contracted or been exposed to the coronavirus are required to self-isolate. If the individual is a campus resident, they should notify the Office of Campus Life so that an alternative housing plan can be implemented. APU will work to isolate the area(s) of exposure and follow CDC guidelines to clean and disinfect areas used by ill students.
APU will work to protect the privacy of all students as well as the health and safety of the campus community.
APU will assist health officials for contact tracing.
Yes. No out-of-state APU-funded travel is permitted until further notice. Personal out-of-state travel is discouraged in the strongest terms. Students, faculty, and staff who are returning from out-of-state travel are expected to comply with state guidelines for travelers and should plan their return to Alaska accordingly. Not immediately. The college now requires any student or employee returning from CDC level 3 countries to self-quarantine and remain symptom-free for a minimum of 14 days before returning to campus, or receive a negative COVID-19 test. If returning from a CDC level 3 country, students should contact the Dean of Students, and employees should contact Human Resources. We are exploring options for off-campus courses, though students should expect significant changes. Decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis. Contact your course instructor for the latest information. For travellers coming from out-of-state, the State of Alaska has travel restrictions and testing requirements in place. Please review the latest guidelines at https://covid19.alaska.gov/travelers/
Are there any restrictions in place for travel?
Can students or employees return to campus if they have recently spent time out of state or out of the country?
Will off-campus field trips be possible for Block courses? If so, what are the limitations?
Where can I find information about state or local restrictions on travel?
Fall 2020 Courses
What will the grading policy be for Fall?
APU will follow the usual grading policies. There are credit/no credit (pass/fail) options. See the Academic Catalog for details, and contact your academic advisor before requesting a change to the grading options.
Can I take a reduced courseload?
When considering whether to take a reduced course load, students should consult their advisors and, where relevant, Student Financial Services. Some programs or scholarships may have requirements that limit or restrict this option.
Is there a chance APU will return to on-campus courses in the middle of the semester?
No, we will continue with remote instruction throughout the Fall term.