Safety is everybody’s business
Our Campus Safety Office is a resource for all students, staff faculty and visitors and is here to keep our campus safe and prepared in case of an emergency.
Seven days a week – we are here for you.
APU has a non-commissioned Campus Safety Officers on duty seven days a week. Our campus Safety Office is committed to providing high-quality, community-oriented, sensitive safety services.
We are dedicated to the ensuring the safety of University campus.
The Campus Safety Office is committed to providing the Alaska Pacific University community with a healthy and safe environment conducive to intellectual pursuits and personal development.
Know where to find us!
The main office for Campus Safety is located on the 1st floor of the Atwood Center. The office is open from 8 – Noon and 1pm – 5pm, Monday through Friday.
To contact a Campus Safety Officer, call 907.564.8888 (x8888 on-campus) any time day or night or send an email.