Discover Active Learning
Are you interested in Nursing? Join us for a virtual session to learn about our pathway to becoming a Nurse! APU offers the B.S. in Health Sciences-Pre Nursing, Associate Degree in Nursing (A.D.N.), and the R.N. to B.S.N. Bridge Program. We will review pre-requisite courses required for the program, the application process, and even sample...
As Alaska's largest statewide gathering of environmental professionals, the Alaska Forum on the Environment (AFE) is a unique opportunity for businesses, government agencies and organizations to share information about their environmental efforts, products and services.
Are you interested in Nursing? Join us for an in-person session in the Carr Gottstein Seminar room to learn about our pathway to becoming a Nurse! APU offers the B.S. in Health Sciences-Pre Nursing, Associate Degree in Nursing (A.D.N.), and the R.N. to B.S.N. Bridge Program. We will review pre-requisite courses required for the program,...
Grades due to Registrar’s Office by 8:00am for block courses
Are you interested in Nursing? Join us for a virtual session to learn about our pathway to becoming a Nurse! APU offers the B.S. in Health Sciences-Pre Nursing, Associate Degree in Nursing (A.D.N.), and the R.N. to B.S.N. Bridge Program. We will review pre-requisite courses required for the program, the application process, and even sample...
Are you interested in Nursing? Join us for a virtual session to learn about our pathway to becoming a Nurse! APU offers the B.S. in Health Sciences-Pre Nursing, Associate Degree in Nursing (A.D.N.), and the R.N. to B.S.N. Bridge Program. We will review pre-requisite courses required for the program, the application process, and even sample...
Admissions Team will have a table during their lunch period.
Admissions Team will be at Knik Charter School to meet with high school students and have an information session.
The Alaska Blanket Exercise program is a participatory history lesson – developed in collaboration with Alaska Native Elders, knowledge keepers and educators – that fosters truth, understanding, respect and reconciliation among Indigenous and non-indigenous peoples Come join APU Counseling Psychology students as they learn and participate in the Alaska Blanket Exercise from ANTHC Facilitators and...
Are you interested in Nursing? Join us for an in-person session in the Carr Gottstein Seminar room to learn about our pathway to becoming a Nurse! APU offers the B.S. in Health Sciences-Pre Nursing, Associate Degree in Nursing (A.D.N.), and the R.N. to B.S.N. Bridge Program. We will review pre-requisite courses required for the program,...
With extensive data available on the earnings of graduates from every college in the country, making a college choice is now more informed, if not easier. Join Dr. Dale Lehman, Professor of Business and Public Policy at Alaska Pacific University, for a presentation and discussion on what can and cannot be learned from analyzing this...
Attention Florida Students! Come join Amy at the Western H,S. College Fair to learn about the programs and opportunities available at APU!
Come to the Carr-Gottstein Lecture Hall at Alaska Pacific University from 6:30-8:30 pm on Wednesday, March 1 for a presentation and discussion about the life and teachings of Servant of God Nicholas Black Elk, an Oglala Lakota catechist whose cause for canonization is open in Rome. Speaking will be Maka Black Elk, a descendant of...
Admissions Counselor, Johanna Belleque, will be at the 2023 Alaska Decathlon State Competition. An APU table will be set up during the event for students to get information about APU and the degree programs we offer, learn about our application process, Financial Aid, and more. I look forward to seeing you there!
Attention Florida Students! Come join Amy at the Fort Lauderdale H,S. College Fair and learn about the programs and opportunities available at APU!
Attention Florida Students! Come join Amy at the Plantation H,S. College Fair and learn about the programs and opportunities available at APU!
Attention Florida Students! Come join Amy at the Coral Glades H,S. College Fair to learn about the programs and opportunities available at APU!
The Student Nurses’ Association is collecting canned goods and non-perishable food items for the Food Bank of Alaska. The barrel for collection will be in Grant Hall all week. Please share what you can with those who are hungry in our community.
Attention Florida Students! Come join Amy at the Coral Springs H,S. College Fair to learn about the programs and opportunities available at APU!
Attention Florida Students! Come join Amy at the Deerfield Beach H,S. College Fair to learn about the programs and opportunities available at APU!
FREE EVENT. Held on Kellogg Campus, 6404 Lossing Road, Palmer REGISTER HERE DESCRIPTION To kick off the Arctic Winter Games Year Out Celebration Week, AKtive Soles will be hosting a...
The purpose of the American Red Cross First Aid/CPR/AED program is to give you the confidence, knowledge, and skills to recognize a life-threatening emergency and give immediate care. So, when...