Discover Active Learning
Get the basics on winter biking and explore the trails on campus. All abilities are welcome! Please register ahead of time. Space is limited. FREE for Students/$10 for Non-Students. MEET...
All are welcome. FREE for Students/$10 for Non-Students. MEET @ the Gear Room Atwood Center Basement. *Please come dressed to be outside including a headlamp. All other equipment is provided.
Josh Clark will be giving a proposal for his Master's of Science in Environmental Science (MSES) thesis entitled, "Migration behavior of Yukon River Chinook salmon" The presentation will be on...
The best time to practice your roll and rescues is in the winter and in a pool. Whether you need to work on the skill you already have or it is your first time in a kayak, we will get you focused on the fundamentals. Taught by ACA certified instructors Patrick Higgins and Raina Panarese....
Stop by and visit with an admissions representative to learn more about APU programs and services during the FIRST Tech Challenge State Championship at Colony High School.
Join APU Nordic Ski Center and the Anchorage Museum for a Ski Wax Clinic as part of the Snow Fliers Exhibition on the First Friday in February, the 7th, from...
Learn more about APU programs and services during the SCF Annual Gathering.
Learn about APU's programs during the Alaska Forum on the Environment. Dena’ina Convention Center 600 W. 78th Avenue Anchorage, AK 99501 February 10-14, 2020 8:00am- 5:00pm
Learn more about the programs offered by APU during the Rural Small Business Conference. Sheraton Downtown 401 East 6th Avenue, Anchorage February 11-13, 2020 9:00am – 5:00pm
Kyle Smith will be presenting his Master's of Science in Environmental Science (MSES) thesis entitled, "Habitat Selection of Dall’s sheep in the Chugach Mountains using step-selection function analysis" The presentation...
GREAT NEWS! Representatives from two study abroad organizations, AIFS and ISA, are able to visit the APU campus for a few hours on Thursday, February 13. This is a wonderful...
Join us on the beautiful Alaska Pacific University Campus at the Atwood Center to Celebrate Elizabeth Peratrovich Day. Hosted by Alaska Native Sisterhood and APU. She worked with many people...
Due to deteriorating weather conditions, this event has been rescheduled to Tuesday, March 3rd. More details to come. Please visit our website for more information in the coming days. Thank...
Students pursuing degree programs in the Institute of Culture & Environment are invited to attend a Career & Networking event. This includes Environmental Public Health, Liberal Studies, Marine & Environmental Sciences, and Outdoor Studies. The event is to be held on Thursday, February 20, from 4-6:00PM. During the first hour, representatives from 8-10 organizations are...
After winning Olympic gold in 2000 Anthony Ervin spent more than a decade on a path of exploration and often-times self-destruction. He overcame struggles with depression and suicidal thoughts to...
Come learn about possible job openings and opportunities available at APU!
The 2020 Anchorage City-Wide Career & Job Fair is happening Friday, February 21, 2020 from 10-4 at the University Center. This fair is free and open to the public! Doors...
Students pursuing degree programs in the Institute of Business & Public Policy are invited to attend a Career & Networking event. The graduate and undergraduate degrees in Business Administration include...
The Associated Students of APU (ASAPU) is proud to present the first annual State of the Student Union Address. We will be highlighting some of our accomplishments as well as...
Get the basics on winter biking and explore the trails on campus. All abilities are welcome! Please register ahead of time. Space is limited. FREE for Students/$10 for Non-Students. MEET...
The best time to practice your roll and rescues is in the winter and in a pool. Whether you need to work on the skill you already have or it...