First Day of Classes for Spring 2023 (Module II)
ILFirst Day of classes for Fall 2022 module II courses
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First Day of classes for Fall 2022 module II courses
The Student Nurses’ Association is collecting canned goods and non-perishable food items for the Food Bank of Alaska. The barrel for collection will be in Grant Hall all week. Please...
Attention Florida Students! Come join Amy at the Hallandale H,S. College Fair to learn about the programs and opportunities available at APU!
Attention Florida Students! Come join Amy at the Hallandale H.S. College Fair to learn about the programs and opportunities available at APU!
APU Admissions presentation to Grandview HS students.
APU Admissions presentation to Overland HS students.
Attention Florida Students! Come join Amy at the West Broward H.S. College Fair to learn about the programs and opportunities available at APU!
APU Admissions presentation to Smoky Hill HS students.