Each week Alaska Pacific University invites different members of its community to host it’s take-over Instagram account, @makingmovesatAKpacific, to show what a week at APU looks like through the eyes (and lens) of students, faculty, and staff. Since spring graduation, we’ve had a number of community members host the account to document their summer activities. Some stayed local, others took us through guiding in Denali and sampling fish in Homer, and one even let us come along for the ride as they cruised the Alcan.
Here are some of the highlights.
For more from each host, check out the Instagram account. Interested in hosting? Email bberg@alaskapacific.edu.
Dean of Students Ben Hahn shared that sometimes the classroom is inside … and sometimes it’s not.

“MBA 664 Leadership Class – Planning Session #5. Instructors for the class knee deep in the weeds of team building exercises. Only three days till the first weekend intensive.”

“Here are a few shots from the MBA Leadership Class on Sunday. We joined up with NOVA Alaska Guides for a run around Lion’s Head on the mighty Matanuska River. Sometimes a high stakes situation brings out key leadership principles. Looking forward to next weekend.”
Student Sadie Mills took us along during the Prospective Student Trip

“Monday and Tuesday we took a hike at twin peaks on the way our night of camping on our Kellogg farm . Next day did our glacier trekking on Matanuska & rode the Swift my water of Matanuska River.”

“Airport drop-offs are starting. Come back soon!”
Student and APU Nordic Skier Hannah Halverson gave us a sneak peak of the ski team’s “summer camp” on Eagle Glacier

“APU junior squad.”
Student Elena Eberhardt showed us how to sample halibut

“Hey, guys! My name is Elena Eberhardt and I will be taking over the account this week! I am a sophomore at APU studying fisheries sciences and I am going to take you guys through a week of port sampling at my job at the Fisheries, Aquatic Science and Technology lab!”
Students Eliza Kurth and Scout Donahue showed us what they like to do during their downtime from their jobs in Denali

“On my days off I get to spend time canoeing on Otto lake!”

“Hey everyone! My name is Scout Donahue and this is my week to host the APU insta! I am a transfer student at APU and am going into my junior year. I am a marine biology major and realized that although my home state of Vermont is amazing, it’s a little landlocked. So, here I am in Alaska living the dream! This summer I am working in Healy, Alaska right next Denali National Park as a Zipline guide. Over this week I’ll be showing y’all a bit of my day to day life!”
Neil Walsh shared some insights into his two summer gigs: guiding for Salmonberry Tours and working in APU’s FAST Lab.

“Sometimes as a guide, you get weird tips…*fun fact* if you cut Alaska in half, Texas would be the third largest state. Sorry Texas “
Two recent alums shared their favorite throwback pictures of their time at APU

“Today and tomorrow I’m going to take you back to one of my first and best memories at APU – the Expedition Alaska! Here Cory and I are our first night camping outside of Eagle, AK!” — recent alum, Becca Erdman

“Here’s a #throwback to a trip I went on last May with professor Kaplan, 2 grad students, another undergrad student, and the best kayaking husky you ever did see. We camped in the Alaska Native village Tatitlek. We were volunteering our aquatic skills (i.e. teaching paddling or lifeguarding) to a cultural camp for youth in the Prince William Sound area, these kids come to Tatitlek and learn about the history and traditions of Alaska Native culture. It was one of the best experiences I’ve had through APU, and we’re all excited to go back again next week!” – recent alum, Nicole Zegiestowsky
Ian McDermod, another recent alum, showed us what life on the road is like as he and his wife drove from Alaska to California for their next adventure post-graduation

“Last day in Canada! Spending the night in Clinton, British Columbia next to a lake with Canadian geese in it while enjoying instant mashed potatoes. Living the life!”