Kristin English is a lifelong Alaskan who has long considered Anchorage her home. Kristin is of Tlingit and Aleut descent, and she brings a unique Alaska Native perspective to the classes she teaches. Kristin is an original shareholder of Cook Inlet Region, Inc. (CIRI) and is an enrolled tribal member of the Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of
Alaska (CCTHIA).
As a member of the Institute of Business and Public Policy, Kristin has taught a wide range of courses that draw on her experience in Finance, Accounting, Human Resources and Strategy. Kristin has held executive level positions in both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations, and she loves to share her passion for managing organizations in a way that not only maximizes financial sustainability but that also considers the full spectrum of stakeholders, including employees, the environment and the broader socio-economic environment that we live in.
In addition to teaching business courses, Kristin also gets to delve into her passion for Alaska Native history by teaching Alaska Native Governance and a course on the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA). During her time at APU, Kristin has had the opportunity to enrich her own knowledge of Alaska Native organizations and spark similar passion and curiosity in her students.
Kristin’s approach to teaching is to enter each classroom, whether in-person or on-line, with the belief that instruction is truly multi-dimensional. Learning should not be just from the instructor to the student, but rather should be a collaborative experience where the classroom community becomes a space where everyone both imparts and takes in knowledge.
Kristin’s interests outside of academia include yoga, travel, running and gardening. Kristin is always up for a new adventure and is loath to say no to anything that can add to her repertoire of experiences.