Students living on campus are expected to abide by all Campus Life and University policies, procedures, and regulations including but not limited to, those in the Student Conduct Code and in the Campus Life Handbook. Listed below are some of the most important guidelines for living on campus. A comprehensive list is provided in the Campus Life Handbook.
Rooms and Decorations
At APU we believe it is important that you personalize your space. In an effort to maintain an environment that is safe and free of potential fire and other health hazards, residents are asked to adhere to the following decoration guidelines within the residence halls and houses:
We advocate a leave-no-trace philosophy when it comes to your decorations. Please avoid doing things that may damage or alter the walls or the woodwork. For example, duct tape and transparent tape are almost impossible to clean off.
No decorations may be hung from the ceiling or placed in rooms or lounges in a manner that will interfere with safe passage or evacuation. No decorations or flyers shall be placed in building stairwells or exit routes.
Exit signs, fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, fire alarm pulls, emergency lights and audible fire signals/strobe lights cannot be decorated, covered or obstructed in any way. Nothing may be hung from or attached to sprinkler system pipes or sprinkler heads.
The use of alcoholic beverage containers or empty food containers as decorations is prohibited.
University furnishings are not to be removed from assigned locations within student housing. Lounge/common area furniture is intended for the use of all students and should not be moved to individual suites/rooms. Students must get prior approval from the Campus Life office before building loft beds or similar structures in their room. Water furnishings such as waterbeds or hot tubs are not permitted.
Residence Hall damages are one of the more unnecessary student expenses. Damage may lead to curtailment of services, loss of ability to make repairs, and/or increased room rates. The actions of individual residents have a profound impact on the community as a whole. In light of this, the University has established the following measures of accountability for damage caused by university residences:
Students are expected to behave in a manner that is respectful of the environment in which they live and which reduces the risk of damage occurring. Damage includes any occurrence which necessitates surplus and/or unreasonable custodial and/or maintenance services.
Room occupants are required to complete a room inventory form when they check in. The inventory form should be completed accurately as it will be used to assess the condition of the room during or after the checkout process. The cost of repair or replacement of university property damaged after the completion of the inventory form will be charged to the room resident(s). Students who fail to sign an inventory form may be held liable for any damages found in the room upon checkout.
Students are liable for all damages to university residences resulting from negligence, vandalism, accidents or misuse. In the case of malicious damage, judicial action, as well as financial restitution, may be initiated.
Electrical Appliances
Individual microwave units of no more than 900 watts and refrigerators no larger than 5.0 cubic feet, 36 inches in height, and 1.5 amps are the only appliances permitted in student rooms. For fire safety considerations hot plates, ranges, toasters, toaster ovens, or anything with an open heating element are not permitted in student rooms/suites. Space heaters, sun lamps, halogen lamps, and air conditioners are also not permitted. Only transient voltage surge suppressors should be used as power strips. All other cords or multi-plug adaptors are prohibited.
Room Entry
Students shall be free from unreasonable search and/or seizure regarding their person and their personal property. However, university officials, including Resident Assistants, are authorized to enter, search, and/or inspect student rooms, suites and public rooms in the small group living units under certain circumstances. There are three common occasions when room entry may be necessary: health and safety inspections, room searches, and performance of duty.
Students will be issued keys, which they are expected to use responsibly, taking into consideration the safety, security and privacy of other residents. Keys are for personal use only, and students are not to loan them to others at any time. Students are responsible for reporting the lost or stolen keys to the Campus Life office immediately. Students may incur a $5 cost for key-card replacement and a $50 fee for a hard-key replacement.
Guests and Overnight Guests
Guests must be escorted at all times and in all areas of the residence halls by his/her host. You are responsible for the conduct of your guest at all times, and guests are expected to abide by all hall policies. Guests who are acting inappropriately may be asked to leave the residence halls immediately.
Guests may stay overnight in resident rooms provided there is no roommate/suitemate conflict or displacement. The right of the suitemate to privacy supersedes the right to host an overnight guest. All overnight guests must be checked-in with the Campus Life office or the RA on Duty. Any stays longer than three nights must be approved in advance by the Director of Campus Life. Guests may not stay overnight more than 8 days total in a semester.
Pets are not permitted in University residences, including student rooms/suites. Fish in an aquarium no larger than 10 gallons are the only exception. Additionally, animals may not “visit” suites or houses, even on a temporary basis. Visiting pets must be on a leash and left in vehicles or outside with supervision. If any unauthorized pet is kept in a resident’s room, judicial action will be taken, and a cleaning and fumigation fee may be charged to that resident. Service animals are permitted with prior approval.
Windows and Roof Areas
No person shall drop or throw things from windows, nor shall anyone enter or exit through a window unless it is an emergency. All roofs and outside ledges of buildings are closed to students. Other areas may be designated as “closed areas” and students should avoid these areas.
Courtesy and Quiet Hours
Courtesy hours are always in effect 24 hrs a day, meaning that the sound level should be confined to an individual’s room only and not be heard by others who are trying to study or sleep. Courtesy hours mean that if at any time community or staff members ask you to lower the noise level, it is to be done immediately. Additionally, specific quiet hours are from 11:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. Sunday – Thursday and 12:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Saturday – Sunday.
Students being disturbed by noise from other residents should ask the resident(s) making the noise to stop. If the noise is persistent, the resident should call the RA on call or contact an RA with their name and the location of the noise. A student may also file a formal complaint with the Campus Life office.
Alcohol and Drugs
Alaska Pacific University is committed to maintaining an academic and social environment conducive to the intellectual and personal development, safety, and welfare of all members of the University community. Possession, consumption, being under the influence of alcohol, or furnishing of alcoholic beverages on APU owned or controlled property, or at college sponsored or supervised functions, unless authorized by the President is prohibited. Offenders will be subject to University disciplinary action, legal prosecution, or both. Similarly, use, possession, manufacture, distribution, or being under the influence of any illegal narcotic, controlled substance or intoxicant is strictly prohibited. All such cases or evidence will be referred to the appropriate law enforcement agencies as well as be subject to University disciplinary action.
Firearms and Weapons
Firearms and weapons create a potential safety hazard. Therefore, the possession or use of these items is prohibited in university residences: firearms, ammunition, weapon parts, pellet guns, AirSoft guns, bows & arrows, guns, machetes, martial arts weapons, knives with blades over four inches and other similar devices. Please refer to the campus wide Weapons Free Campus policy.
Smoke Free Environment
There is to be NO SMOKING in university residences at anytime. There are two designated smoking areas marked on campus and are located at the NE side of Atwood Center and the SW side of Carr-Gottstein. Please dispose of cigarette butts and ashes in the appropriate receptacles. Smoking is not permitted within fifty feet of any entrance, window or air handling unit of a University residence.
Open Heating Elements and Open Flames
Candles, incense, potpourri burners, and items with an open heating element or flame are prohibited within residential living areas. Special approval for religious, cultural, social or honorary ceremonies may be obtained by petitioning the Director of Campus Life.
Explosives and other Flammable Materials
Use or possession of explosives, including firecrackers and other fireworks is prohibited. Flammable materials, such as fuel, camping fuel, and motorized vehicle fuel or corrosive chemicals are restricted from the residence halls and garages. Fuel for camp stoves may be stored for students in the Moseley Sports Center.
Fire Alarms and Emergency Evacuation
Every time the fire alarm sounds (or other emergency situation arises) it must be treated as a real threat, and students and their guests are expected to follow the building evacuation guidelines: Wear shoes and coat; leave your room with the lights on, doors closed, window closed, blinds open; proceed outside and meet in the designated area; remain outside the building until a return signal is given.
Fire Safety Equipment
Fire extinguishers, smoke detectors and fire alarm systems are in place for the protection of residents and should be treated with the well-being of all residents in mind. All fire safety equipment (e.g., pull stations, fire extinguishers, smoke detectors) should be used for emergency purposes only. Tampering with fire safety equipment is a misdemeanor and will result in University judicial action and possible civil action.